WebGL Models
Thursday, 30th October – Skills Matter, London
How to make (or find), load and display them. And a bit of debugging, too.
The workshop will be about 50:50 presentation and hands on.
• A laptop with a browser that supports WebGL (http://get.webgl.org/) and your favourite editor.
• Some knowledge of HTML and programming preferably Javascript (or similar).
• Some features will require a server, although there are workarounds. (Brackets.io and Visual Studio provide one, or you can use node.js or whatever you’re comfortable with.)
If you’re planning on attending, please RSVP on the MeetUp page (http://www.meetup.com/WebGL-Workshop-London/events/210678942/) and register on the Skills Matter site (https://www.skillsmatter.com/meetups/6576-webgl-models).