Category Archives: Posts

Develop Game Jam

I’ll be attending this year’s (2017) Develop Game Jam in July.

I usually just ruck up on the day and use the opportunity to learn a bit about some game development technology or techniques.

While fun and educational, this is not the ideal way to compete. Frequently, I achieve little by way of a final result.

This year, I thought I’d actually do some real preparation and take a real stab at completing a “proper” game.

I plan to use WebGL (naturally), so I’m focusing on PlayCanvas, along with Three.js and Babylon.js as possible fall backs.

If things really go pear shaped there’s always Unity (or possibly Unreal or CryEngine).

I intend to blog the process for reference purposes and I’ll add links to blog/articles as I progress.

WebGL evening of networking and talks

The Khrons London Chapter / WebGL Workshop is hosting a WebGL network evening with talks.

Thursday, February 12, 2015, 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Innovation Warehouse
1 East Poultry, 1st Floor, London, EC1A 9PT

With after meetup drinkies at the Butcher’s Hook and Cleaver (here).


Ken Russell (@gfxprogrammer, Software Engineer, Chrome GPU team, WebGL Chair)
Ken will speak a little about the current state of WebGL and show some demos.

Rob Bateman (@robnet, Away3D)
WebGL in Typescript – getting started with AwayJS
A look at how Typescript can leverage WebGL to allow a cleaner approach to accelerated GPU graphics. We’ll use the new framework AwayJS to get setup, look at code examples and cover several workflows for assets, including a brand new plugin for Flash Pro allowing 2D animation exports.

Maksims Mihejevs (@mrmaxm , PlayCanvas)
Maksim will talk about Physically Based Rendering (PBR) in WebGL, how useful and industry possible it is, and the complications of implemention in WebGL and tools workflow.

Alvin Ourad (@alvinsight, Goodboy Digital, pixi.js)
Alvin will speak about how the widespread usage of WebGL has exploded thanks to its increasing ubiquity and will touch on how they leverage it at Goodboy Digital to add an extra level of visual finesse and fun, and probably a sneak peak at the new version of pixi.js.

Benjamin Blundell (@secti0n9, Section 9)
“WebGL minus Web” – This talk consists of three short demos of WebGL projects that were designed to be used outside of a traditional web-browser (at least partially). Each one caters to a very different audience, with very different engineering concerns and development cultures affecting the build along the way.


Workshop 4 – THREE.js

A look at THREE.js
Our fourth Workshop will take place on Thursday, 20th February at SkillsMatter, 116-120 Goswell Road, London
A round up of some of THREE.js’s features, and maybe a look at some alternatives…

A laptop with a browser that supports WebGL ( and an editor that can handle HTML and JavaScript.
Some knowledge of HTML and programming, preferably JavaScript (or similar).

If you’re planning on attending please RSVP on our MeetUp site and register on the SkillsMatter site (

Workshop 3 – Lighting

Light and Shadow
Alvin Ourrad will be giving a brief introduction to pixi.js (a super fast HTML5 2D rendering engine that uses WebGL with canvas fallback).

Then we’ll take a look at light and shadows in WebGL… I’ll try to include some THREE.js this time.

A laptop with a browser that supports WebGL ( and an editor that can handle HTML and JavaScript.
Some knowledge of HTML and programming, preferably JavaScript (or similar).

If you’re planning on attending please RSVP on the MeetUp site and register on the SkillsMatter site (